Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Selling Stuff on Ebay!

I've been busy selling stuff on Ebay.

Here are some things I have for sale

right now...

This first one is a water fountain.

Check it out on Ebay. The water flows

down the burgandy sash of this angel

into a pond and

continues to flow, never endingly.

Next are Vintage Cans I've had

around for many years and will have

no room for them in my new place.

My son talked me into trying to sell

these. He claims they are worth

something because of their age.

This last picture is a Vintage Clipper

Ship, made in the '50's that belonged

to Skip. The Piels Brothers brewery

no longer exists in Brooklyn, NY.

This ship is made with their beer cans.

I have sold several other things on Ebay already, and have jewelry boxes and other things on there as time progresses. This takes up much of my time, but it's fun watching people purchase things from me.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

I will be leaving . . .

I will be leaving my trumpets . . .

I will be leaving my forsythia
and my bleeding hearts . . .

I will be leaving my sedum, my lilies
of the valley, my pussy willows . . .

I will be leaving my daffodills, my janquils,
my narcisis, my rose of Sharon . . .

I will be leaving my Vinka vines, my peppermints, my spearmints,
my locust trees, my honey suckle . . .

I will be leaving . . .

~Dee Hartman